Composers and Poets

On this page it is possible to see when many of the poets and composers, whose work is contained in the archive lived. The list is incomplete since only those artists whose dates were available are shown here. Searches for other composers and poets should be done through the Contents database.

Once a search is undertaken, clicking on a name will show the artists body of work contained in the archive.


Picture Artists Name Artist Type Dates
Uebelacker, Theowill Poet 1891-
Ueltzen, Hermann Wilhelm Franz Poet 1758-1808
Ugarte, Jose de la Torre Poet 1786-1830
Uhde, Wilhelm Composer, Poet 1868-1917
Uher, Bruno Composer, Poet 1912-1976
Uhland, Ludwig Poet 1787-1862
Uhlich, Johann Composer 1634-1712
Uhlich, Leberecht Poet 1799-1872
Uhlisch, Karl Theodor Composer, Poet 1891-1958
Uilenberg, Jan Composer, Poet 1881-1962
Ujvari, Karl Composer, Poet 1877-1958
Ulbrich, Siegfried Composer, Poet 1922-1991
Uldall, Hans Composer, Arranger 1903-1983
Ulenberg, Kaspar Poet 1549-1617
Ulich, Johann Composer 1634-1712
Ullrich, Friedrich Composer 1861-1924
Ulrich, Hugo Poet 1827-1872
Ulrich, Ilona Composer, Poet 1947-
Ulrich, Manfred Composer, Poet 1949-
Umgeher, Manfred Composer 1943-
Umlauf, Carl Ignaz Franz Composer 1824-1902
Ungefug, Till Composer, Poet 1969-
Unger, Heinz Rudolf Poet 1938-2018
Unger, Hermann Composer 1886-1958
Unger, Robert Composer 1859-1926
Unterbuchner, Georg Poet 1908-
Unterhofer, Josef Composer 1963-
Unzer, Johanna Charlotte Poet 1725-1782
Upmeier, Ursula Poet 1927-
Urack, Otto Composer 1884-1963
Uray, Ernst Ludwig Composer, Arranger 1906-1988
Urner, Anna Barbara Poet 1760-1803
Urtel, Elisabeth Composer, Poet o.A.
Usteri, Johann Martin Poet 1763-1827
Utech, George Poet 1931-2009
Uthmann, Gustav Adolf Composer 1867-1920
Utz, Kurt Arranger 1901-1974
Uz, Johann Peter Poet 1720-1796